FiveCRM vs. Myphoner
This guide aims to give you an honest review of FiveCRM and Myphoner. We're not trying to bash anyone, just a no-BS guide to help you choose the right tool that rhymes with your prospecting goals.
As the name hints, FiveCRM is a full-suite CRM tool with five digital CRM products: DigitalPro CRM, CallPro CRM, ManagePro CRM, EmailPro CRM, and AutomationPro CRM. All these have one goal: to make outbound and inbound campaigns faster, easy, and more effective.
Here are some of FiveCRM’s benefits:
- Custom reports on your campaign to keep everyone on your team informed and motivated
- Lead generation solutions across five industries, including B2B, outbound teams, insurance and finance, education, and consultancy
- Provide all features to make outbound and inbound tasks simple and efficient in all industries
- Provides a complete CRM solution
Myphoner is a user-friendly CRM tool built for sales teams that want to make their cold-calling campaigns effective. Your sales team can conduct an entire campaign from start to finish without migrating to a new tool.
A few of Myphoner’s benefits include:
- A better way to manage your remote teams and client campaigns
- Features that enhance agents' cold-calling campaigns like auto-dialer, inbound call handling, and voice mail drops
- Ability to integrate with several VOIP and SMS providers
- Up-to-date campaign analytics of agents on an insightful reporting dashboard
- A simple and easy-to-navigate interface fits freelancers, agencies, and startups
Feature breakdown
Target Team Size | < 300 | < 50 |
Trial | ||
Free Version | ||
Price | Starting From $70/seat/month | Starting From $19/seat/month |
Budget | Expensive | Best Value |
Support | 24/7 on all plans | 24/7 on all plans |
CRM | Full CRM | Light-weight CRM |
Ideal Workflow | Advanced | Simple |
Usability/Interface | Old school | Modern |
Auto-dial | ||
Predictive Dialer | ||
VoiP | Built-in & 3rd parties | Built-in & 3rd parties |
SMS Integration | ||
Client Silos | ||
Time Tracking | ||
Automation tools | Advanced | Lightweight |
Capterra rating | 5 (2 reviews) | 4.7 (94 reviews) |
Mobile App | Push To Mobile |
FiveCRM vs. Myphoner - The Game Changers
- Fortschrittliches, aber einfaches CRM
Im Gegensatz zu FiveCRM ist Myphoner fortschrittlich, aber nicht komplex in der Bedienung. Es wird ein paar Drehungen dauern, bis Sie den Dreh raus haben.
Dies steht im Einklang mit unserer Leidenschaft, Software mit einem einzigen Ziel zu entwickeln und die Komplexität unter der Haube zu halten. Dies hilft Vertriebsmitarbeitern, ihre Aufgaben mit einem einzigartigen Workflow mithilfe einer einfach zu navigierenden Plattform zu erledigen und so die Effizienz und Produktivität zu steigern.
- Agentenverwaltung
Eines unserer Hauptziele ist es, uns auf die Leistung der Agenten zu konzentrieren, da wir davon überzeugt sind, dass sie für den Gesamterfolg der Kampagne von entscheidender Bedeutung ist.
Myphoner bietet Ihnen einen vollständigen Überblick über die Interessenten, an denen Ihre Agenten arbeiten, auch wenn möglicherweise eine Gruppe an einem Lead arbeitet. Auf diese Weise können Sie Top-Performer schnell identifizieren und beim Onboarding neuer Mitarbeiter helfen.
- Integrierte Analyse
Wir glauben, dass Sie über aufschlussreiche und genaue Daten verfügen sollten, die Ihnen helfen, zeitnahe Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Myphoner soll Ihnen dabei helfen, dies zu erreichen, indem es Ihnen Echtzeitanalysen zu Ihren Kampagnen bietet. Sie erhalten außerdem Zugriff auf Agentenvergleichsberichte, die Sie schnell an Ihre Bedürfnisse anpassen können.
Holen Sie sich Myphoner
Einfache Lead-Tracking-Lösung durch einen einzigartigen Kaltakquise-Workflow.

The Verdict
Choose FiveCRM if:
- You have complex sales workflows
- You need a full-suite marketing tool that offers all features in one platform
- Have a reasonable budget for sales prospecting
- You’re a big enterprise with a huge sales team
Myphoner is a great FiveCRM software alternative if:
- You’re looking for a simple cold-calling tool to qualify prospects
- Your team is growing and needs to be agile enough to make workflow changes quickly
- You have a limited sales budget and need a tool to fit in and deliver exceptional results
- You value simple reporting that is easy to understand
Weltweit vertrauenswürdig

Was unsere Kunden über uns sagen
“Es ist benutzerfreundlich und einfach, bietet aber dennoch ein fortschrittliches Toolkit für das Lead-Management. Keine Notwendigkeit mehr für schwere und überteuerte Lead-Management-Software :)”

“Myphoner bietet vollständige Transparenz über die Leistung jedes Agenten und die Wirksamkeit unserer Kampagnen.”

“Myphoner ist ein Muss für Kaltakquise. Es ist eines der einfachsten und effizientesten Tools, mit denen ich je gearbeitet habe. Die wenigen Male, in denen ich Fragen hatte, hat mir der Kundenservice innerhalb von Minuten geholfen!”

General FAQ Myphoner or FiveCRM
- Is Myphoner a reliable FiveCRM alternative?
The answer depends. While both tools serve a similar market, FiveCRM is more of a full-stack marketing software that helps multiple industries.
On the other hand, Myphoner has one focus - To give you a simple solution that allows your sales team to create robust cold-calling and follow-up campaigns with promising prospects to qualify them.
- How does FiveCRM compare to Myphoner’s pricing?
FiveCRM starts at $70/month/user, and you get access to all the CRM versions. The price increases as you add more people to the CRM. The climax is at 300 seats, costing you a whopping $13922/month.
However, some functions are not available on all the CRM versions. For example, Lead scoring is only available on the ManagePro CRM version. The more features and function you want, the more you’ll dig into your pocket.
This is quite different from Myphoner’s pricing. Our pricing plan starts at $19/seat/month, then $29/per seat/ month, and finally, $49/per seat/month. The price difference is because of the additional features. Luckily, you get a 14 days trial on all plans to get a feel of how it works.
- What are the main Features of FiveCRM's telemarketing software?
FiveCRM offers a wide array of features, but the five main features are as follows:
- Lead management
- Automated Campaigns
- Predictive Dialer
- Real-Time Reporting & Analysis
- Team Collaboration Tools
- How does FiveCRM Auto-dialer work?
FiveCRM gives users access to the auto-dialer features but’s it’s only available on three CRM versions namely; CallPro CRM, Callpro CRM lite, and ManagePro CRM.
The last three versions, ManagePro CRM Lite, EmailPro CRM, and AutomationPro CRM, don’t have the feature.
This means they’ll have to pay more to access the former advanced CRM versions to get access.
Myphoner gives users access to the auto-dialer from the free to our most expensive plan. The only difference is the number of days call recordings are retained.
- Does FiveCRM cater to telesales/telemarketing agencies?
No, they don’t; they are specifically designed for in-house sales teams. Myphoner, on the other hand, is built for both telesales agencies and sales teams. We have many features designed to make telemarketing companies' lives easier. From keeping client data separate, to call centre tools, we have you covered.
This makes Myphoner a good FiveCRM software alternative.