PhoneBurner vs. Myphoner

Uncover Your Ideal Sales Dialer – Make an Informed Choice

Choosing the right power dialer for your sales team is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your business's efficiency and success. With a multitude of options available, it's easy to get lost in a sea of features and pricing plans.

In this comprehensive comparison, we pit two leading power dialers – PhoneBurner and Myphoner – against each other. We'll delve into their key differences, pricing structures, feature sets, workflows, support systems, and user interfaces.

We aim to provide you with a clear, objective overview, helping you make an informed decision on which tool best aligns with your team's needs and objectives.

Whether you're managing a small team or leading a large sales operation, this guide is designed to illuminate the strengths and considerations of each platform, paving the way for a choice that truly fits your sales strategy.

Key differences and show stoppers

Coverage:  Choose Myphoner for international calls as PhoneBurner only supports calls within the US and Canada.

Business Type:  For large B2C operations with high volume and low connect rates, PhoneBurner is the preferred option. Whereas B2B start-ups who want to grow their business, like Monsido did, will find Myphoner more comprehensive.

Agency Needs:  Myphoner is better for agencies requiring complete data silos, advanced reporting, dedicated client login, and custom branding.

CRM Integration:  PhoneBurner offers more extensive two-way CRM integration. However, you can explore whether Myphoner's base integration capabilities through Zapier, Zoho Flow, Integrately, or Make meet your needs.

Reselling & White Labeling:  If you plan to resell the software in your niche, Myphoner offers complete whitelabeling, whereas PhoneBurner provides branded workspace options.

Similarities between PhoneBurner and Myphoner

Both PhoneBurner and Myphoner feature single-line power dialers, enhancing performance to up to 80 calls per hour. Notably, some agents achieve over 100 calls per hour, although this may indicate low-quality leads with more voicemails or a lower connect rate.

Each platform is designed for remote work. They are cloud-based with browser-based dialers, requiring only a browser, headset, and internet connection. Additionally, Myphoner offers Time Tracking, with detailed time reports available in its Plus and Premium plans.

Pricing breakdown

In the pricing comparison between PhoneBurner and Myphoner, each platform adopts a distinct model. PhoneBurner offers unlimited minutes but comes with a higher subscription fee. In contrast, Myphoner has a lower subscription cost but charges per minute for calls.

  • PhoneBurner's base plan is priced at $149 with unlimited calls in the US. Comparatively, Myphoner's most economical option is $25, with call charges at $0.0218 per minute in the US. This rate means Myphoner remains more cost-effective until reaching 5,688 minutes (or about 95 hours) of calls per month. Myphoner also offers 60-day recording retention, versus PhoneBurner's 30 days, and includes SMS integration in its base tier.
  • At their mid-tier, PhoneBurner's $179 plan becomes more affordable only after 6,600 minutes (110 hours) of calls per month compared to Myphoner's $35 option. While PhoneBurner includes features like live monitoring and coaching, Myphoner adds time tracking, inbound calls, and lead recycling.
  • The top-tier plans continue this trend. PhoneBurner's plan at $199 becomes the cheaper option after 6,422 minutes (107 hours) of calling, offering unlimited call recording storage and additional features like 1,000 SMS messages and phone support. Meanwhile, Myphoner's top tier at $59 includes live monitoring and training, subaccounts, and options for custom branding and whitelabelling.
PhoneBurner's pricing plans
PhoneBurner's pricing plans

This analysis shows that PhoneBurner tends to be more cost-effective for operations with extremely high call volumes. In contrast, Myphoner often presents a more economical option for those with moderate calling needs. Specifically,  each user would need to exceed approximately 6,000 minutes (or make up to 8,000 calls) per month before PhoneBurner becomes the more cost-effective choice.

Myphoner's pricing plans
Myphoner's pricing plans

Feature breakdown

In assessing PhoneBurner and Myphoner, it's crucial to delve into the specifics of their features, especially since they diverge significantly across their tiered plans.

While both platforms have three main tiers, the similarities largely stop there, with each offering distinct features at different levels.

For instance, PhoneBurner limits the number of contacts you can import monthly, whereas Myphoner includes inbound calls in its Plus plan, a feature available only in PhoneBurner's Premium tier.

Additionally, live monitoring and training are provided at different tiers in both services, and Myphoner exclusively offers whitelabeling.

These variances highlight the importance of a detailed comparison to truly grasp which service aligns best with your needs.

CoverageUS & Canada onlyWorldwide
Support24/7 tickets, phone for Premium24/7 email and chat on all plans
Duplicate handlingOn demand, simplisticAlways on, multiple options
Live monitoring & trainingMid-tier and upPremium only
Contact import limit10-50,000/monthUnlimited
Email Integration
SMS IntegrationPremium plan only
Time Tracking
Capterra rating4.9 (112 reviews)4.7 (95 reviews)
WhitelabelPremium plan only

Workflows Compared

In comparing the workflows of PhoneBurner and Myphoner, each platform offers a distinct approach to managing and dialing leads:

PhoneBurner's Workflow:

  • Users filter and select leads, then start a dialing session in a new window.
  • Prior to calling, users choose scripts, dispositions, voicemails, and caller ID.
Phoneburner's lead view

Myphoner's Simplified Workflow:

  • Leads are pre-organized into lists with pre-configured dialing settings.
  • Users directly start working on the relevant queue where everything is set up, removing the need for additional session setup.
Myphoner's lead view

For seasoned PhoneBurner users, understanding Myphoner's terms can be helpful:

  • PhoneBurner uses folders; Myphoner uses lists.
  • PhoneBurner utilizes tags; Myphoner operates with state.
  • PhoneBurner allow custom fields, Myphoner is all custom fields automatically configured from your import file
  • Layouts in PhoneBurner; list-level field configuration in Myphoner.
  • Searches in PhoneBurner; queue filters in Myphoner.
What sets us apart

PhoneBurner vs. Myphoner - The Game Changers


Myphoner se distingue par sa rentabilité, particulièrement intéressante pour les utilisateurs à volume d'appels modéré. Son modèle de paiement à l'utilisation offre un coût d'abonnement inférieur avec des frais d'appel à la minute, ce qui en fait un choix économique pour les équipes qui ne sont pas systématiquement engagées dans des appels à volume élevé.

Cette structure tarifaire garantit que les utilisateurs ne paient que pour ce qu'ils utilisent, évitant ainsi les frais forfaitaires plus élevés des forfaits illimités lorsqu'une utilisation aussi étendue n'est pas nécessaire.

Gestion des doublons

Myphoner excelle dans son approche de la détection et de la gestion des doublons. Contrairement à PhoneBurner, qui nécessite une recherche et une fusion manuelles des doublons, Myphoner identifie les doublons à l'avance, permettant aux agents de les résoudre à la volée.

Myphoner propose également des stratégies de déduplication automatisées sophistiquées, fournissant aux administrateurs des outils avancés pour une gestion et une configuration efficaces des campagnes. Cette fonctionnalité rationalise non seulement l'administration, mais garantit également des listes de contacts plus propres et plus organisées.

Expérience utilisateur

Myphoner propose une interface utilisateur plus moderne, rationalisant l'expérience de l'agent avec un flux de travail simplifié et intuitif.

Cette conception conviviale réduit la courbe d'apprentissage et améliore les opérations quotidiennes, permettant aux agents de se concentrer davantage sur les conversations commerciales plutôt que de naviguer dans des interfaces logicielles complexes.

Obtenir Myphoner

Solution simple de suivi des prospects grâce à un flux de travail d'appel à froid unique.

Personalised campaign dashboard in Myphoner.
How to choose

The Verdict

Choose PhoneBurner if you want:

  • High-Volume Calling: Ideal for operations with extensive call volumes, especially in B2C settings.

  • Robust CRM Integration: Offers in-depth, two-way CRM integration for comprehensive data syncing.

  • Feature-Rich for Intensive Users: Better suited for users requiring a wide range of features and customization.

  • Comprehensive Support Options: Includes phone support and extensive training resources.

Choose Myphoner if you want:

  • Cost-Effectiveness: More affordable for moderate call volumes with a pay-per-use model.

  • Simplified User Experience: Offers a modern UI with a more streamlined workflow.

  • International Calling: Supports a broader range of international calls, not limited to the US and Canada.

  • Advanced Duplicate Handling: Provides upfront duplicate detection and sophisticated deduplication strategies.

Reconnu dans le monde entier

British Council
Monsido Webmaster Tool

Ce que nos clients disent de nous

Facile à utiliser et simple, mais il parvient toujours à offrir une boîte à outils avancée pour la gestion des prospects. Plus besoin de logiciel de gestion de leads lourd et hors de prix :)

Koen Van der Weijden
Koen Van der Weijden

Myphoner offre une transparence totale sur les performances de chaque agent et sur l'efficacité de nos campagnes.

Eric Elming
Eric Elming
Sales Manager, Skyepack

Myphoner est un must pour les appels à froid. C'est l'un des outils les plus simples et les plus efficaces avec lesquels j'ai jamais travaillé. Les quelques fois où j'ai eu des questions, le service client m'a aidé en quelques minutes !

Maarten Bakuwel
Maarten Bakuwel
Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ Myphoner or PhoneBurner

Which platform is more cost-effective for small teams?

Myphoner is generally more cost-effective for small teams with moderate call volumes due to its pay-per-use pricing model.

Can PhoneBurner be used for international calls?

PhoneBurner only supports calls within the US and Canada, whereas Myphoner offers a broader range for international calls.

Is Myphoner a real alternative to PhoneBurner?

Yes, Myphoner can be considered a real alternative to PhoneBurner, especially for certain types of users and organizations. While both are powerful tools for sales teams, Myphoner's strengths in cost-effectiveness for moderate call volumes, support for international calling, a more intuitive user interface, and sophisticated duplicate handling make it a viable choice for many businesses. Ultimately, the decision depends on specific requirements like call volume, CRM integration needs, budget constraints, and preferred workflow.

Which platform should I choose if I need robust CRM integration?

If robust CRM integration is a key requirement for your sales operations, PhoneBurner may be the more suitable choice. PhoneBurner offers extensive and in-depth CRM integration capabilities, providing two-way syncing and comprehensive data alignment between the dialer and your CRM system. While Myphoner does offer CRM integration through platforms like Zapier and Zoho Flow, its capabilities may be more basic compared to PhoneBurner's more advanced integration features.

Is there a significant difference in user interfaces between the two platforms?

Yes, Myphoner boasts a more modern and simplified UI, which may appeal to users seeking an intuitive user experience.

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